Does C E always mean CE?

A question is basically rhetorical because one may as well would ask if 2 x 2 equals 4 :). But only seemingly …

All of this thanks to a contrivance of the Far East suppliers who – as probably all importers know – are able to generate every kind of a certificate in a very short time.
So, answering a question – CE not always means “Conformité Européenne”, because it might be as well an abbreviation of a term introduced “to a market” a few years ago – “China Export”. A mark of “China Export” differs from a declaration of conformity not only by a graphical form (although, for an untrained eye differences are almost negligible).

What causes such and no other marking of products with a mark of China Export? First of all, a lack of any guarantee for a user’s safety of products marked like that, problems with customs clearance and many, many other problems for which we are usually not prepared.

How can we defend against this kind of frauds? First of all, you should contact with an entity which issued such a certificate if this what we attach for them to “control” is a valid and appropriate declaration of conformity.

We can also demand from a supplier results of carried out tests which are required to CE certification.
And, of course, one should keep a cool head while shopping. CE certification costs so if a price of a product you are focused on differs from the market reality, and a supplier still insists that he has a CE trademark – a warning light should light …

Let us remember that we will need a CE certificate when importing many product categories, from which the most popular are: electronics, electrical appliances, construction products, toys, and many other.